
Sorry guys but today training has been cancelled. We are back to normal again next week(31.10).

Jocke, profiilikuva

REMINDER!! OTTO KUIKKA SEMINAR ON MONDAY!!!!Like the Ottoman conquered the Middle east, Arabia and south Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries now in the 21th century the Otto man will conquer Tammisaari on 23.10!!!
High level competitor Otto Kuikka will hold a NO GI seminar at our gym with the " theme" knee slice and bodylock pass!!!!
Please mark it in your calendar !!! No BJJ training on 23.10 because of the seminar!
Free for all who have paid our yearly fee!!
I will put some videos on our whatsapp group!
Everebody please come and train!!!!!

jonas ilmoittautui in

Couple minutes late probably

Jocke, profiilikuva

Attention!!!! A small change in our program so that Monday will be NO GI and Wednesday will be BJJ!!!
Starting from tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
Tell your friends family and your pets!!!

pili ilmoittautui in
