Jocke, profiilikuva

New theme!! Our next theme will be guard attacks and sweeps since we now have an unpassable guard!!!

Jocke, profiilikuva

Monday training has been moved to 18.00!!!!
And because of my new job I will be teaching only on Saturdays so Saturday will be as a normal training with techs. If you only wanna do sparring come half an hour later!
Happy new year with a lot of training!!!!!!!

Anton, profiilikuva

Morjens, dags att betala medlemsavgiften för perioden 01.01.2025 - 30.06.2025.
Vid problem, kontakta direkt mig. Meddelande, eget namn och år. Avgift 120€ 
Förfallodag 31.01.2025 
Kontonummer: FI6117783000002578 
Mvh. Anton 
Kassör Hilti Raseborg

Moikka, on aika maksaa jäsenmaksu ajalle 01.01.2025 - 30.06.2025.
Jos on ongelmia, ota suoraan yhteyttä minuun. Viesti, oma nimi ja vuosi. Maksu 120€
Eräpäivä 31.01.2025
Tilinumero: FI6117783000002578
Ystävällisin terveisin, Anton
Kassanhoitaja Hilti Raseborg

Hello, it's time to pay the membership fee for the period 01.01.2025 - 30.06.2025.
If there are any issues, please contact me directly. Message, your name, and year. Fee 120€
Due date 31.01.2025
Account number: FI6117783000002578
Best regards, Anton
Treasurer Hilti Raseborg

Jocke, profiilikuva

Our last tech. " theme " this year is Unpassable open guard!!!
And for all of you guys who came from the beginners course please join as many trainings as possible ( Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday ) also for the rest of you please try to train on Mondays so I can check your belt and stripes level!!!!

Jani, profiilikuva
Jani ilmoittautui in

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